Stobswell Forum

At WCAIR, we have had a long-standing partnership with the fantastic Stobswell Forum, the community council in an inner city, east end Victorian suburb of Dundee. Over the past 7 years, we’ve taken part in local events, run consultations, and even made physical changes locally with large-scale art works.

We first met the Forum through our colleagues at Dundee Science Centre, and took part in their local festival, Stobfest, in 2018. Since that time, we’ve taken part in lots of projects:

  • Stobfest and Doggyfest in every year they have run since
  • Staging our Translations art exhibition in Arthurstone Library, a key local venue
  • Running consultations around pocket parks, lighting in Baxter Park, and supporting the local activist groups around healthy ideas like 20MPH zones
  • Our mural and the related (award-winning) Craigie Street park project
  • Regreening the Eliza Street pocket park
  • Taking part in local events for families, particularly for those who rely on free school meals

And more.

Give the Forum a follow on Instagram, X, and Facebook to find out what’s going on! And, of course, you can discover all of our other public engagement and science art projects here on our site.