
Picture of a group of scientists standing in front of a world map.

Ghana Drug Discovery Representatives Meeting

Suze Farrell and Ian Gilbert met with representatives from 4 Universities from Ghana to discuss the next steps in the..

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A large group of the people working for the DDU.

Royal Society of Edinburgh award Mary Sommerville Medal to DDU

Outstanding scientific research at the University of Dundee has been honoured by Scotland’s national academy. The Royal Society of Edinburgh..

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Gene expression control by a bridge between two chromosomes

A team at the University of Dundee and University of York has determined how a highly selective protein bridge allows..

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An exhibition image for our exhibition Tackling TB - Dundee scientists fighting the killer cough

Brand new exhibition on how we’re Tackling TB

We're are thrilled to announce the opening of our inspiring new exhibition, ‘Tackling TB: Dundee Scientists Fighting the Killer Cough’,..

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Politicians see drug discovery expertise at work

Parliamentarians from across the political spectrum today heard how University of Dundee research could help save millions of lives in..

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A group of 5 people stand together for their photo. There are 2 men and 3 women.

New tool developed to aid in developing treatments for Cryptosporidiosis

A collaboration between the research laboratories of Dr Mattie Pawlowic and Dr Susan Wyllie in the Wellcome Centre for Anti-Infectives..

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A word cloud created by the participants of the Drug Discovery: A Beginner's Guide.

Drug Discovery: A Beginner’s Guide

Drug Discovery: A Beginner’s Guide is an online course designed to give professionals working in all kinds of sectors, a..

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Head shot of Justice who is wearing a red and white checked shirt. He is from Ghana with short cut black hair and a beard trimmed around his mouth and chin.

WCAIR Trainee Justice Akwensi reaches final of the Dundee 3-Minute Thesis competition.

“In 2014, I was working as a student on attachment in a rural hospital in Ghana. One day a child..

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Generation of a ‘mutator’ Plasmodium parasite to understand antimalarial drug resistance

New collaborative research led by new WCAIR PI Prof. Marcus Lee has created a new tool to aid the development..

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Dr Susan Wyllie awarded C.A. Wright Memorial Medal

  Dr Susan Wyllie has been awarded the prestigious C.A. Wright Memorial Medal from the British Society for Parasitology in..

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