I am from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I am pharmacist at the basis and I did master in sciences and biotechnology. When I went to Dundee I was in my last year of PhD in Cellular and Molecular biology at Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ), an institute of the ministry of heath for science and technology in my country. I wanted to have an experience abroad to improve myself and WCAIR trainee program allowed me to have the first greatest experience of my life pursuing a career as a scientist. I can summarize everything I have lived in three words which have transformed my vision immensely: knowledge, people and culture. I was in an amazing foreign nation learning new things about my subject of study and enjoying cultural differences of people from all over the word while gaining an invaluable career experience. At the end of the trainee program I was able to take all this “luggage” back home as a new mentality and acquired knowledge to my institution in Brazil. I am really grateful for this opportunity and all the others that came out of taking this chance.