Dundee Women’s Festival 2022

On March 8th International Women’s Day is celebrated all over the world, to recognise women’s rights, their qualities and their achievements. Twenty seven countries have a public holiday. Here in Dundee we are doing even better – we are holding a two week long festival!

Dundee Women’s Festival is all about:

  • Mixing with women from other cultures expands our understanding, our circle of friends, and even our eating habits!
  • Being more informed about money, government policy and health issues enables us to act for ourselves and for others.
  • Bringing up our children in a loving, thoughtful way makes a big difference to future generations.
  • Knowing about women of the past who have achieved great things empowers us to follow in their footsteps.
  • Learning a new skill will make us feel chuffed with ourselves!
  • Being involved in sporting activities and encouraging other women to join in will bring both health and self-esteem.
  • Being confident in speaking up – just one woman with the courage to speak out will encourage another to join her, whether it’s in Parliament or in the local Mother & Toddler Group. Then a couple more will have a go, then ten more…
  • Looking after ourselves makes us more able to look after others.
  • And having fun – well, who’s going to knock that?

Keep your eyes peeled for WCAIR’s contribution to the Festival…